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Peterson Field Guide to North American Bird Nests

The all new guide covers over 650 species—the majority of breeding birds in N. America from the United States/Mexico border north into the Arctic Circle—and is the first of its kind to do so while including 750 photographs, a comprehensive Key, species organization by nest design, and detailed family and species accounts. It is the most comprehensive guide to bird nests to date, and a rich ecological study of how hundreds of species have adapted nests to environs that range from tropical deciduous forest to Arctic tundra.

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Mammal Tracks and Sign: A Guide to North American Species, 2nd Edition

The new edition of this exception work is the winner of the National Outdoor Book Award, and has a huge amount of new features: new descriptions and track diagrams emphasize essential field marks, and illustrations of animal feet correlate with key morphological features. We also udpated and expanded species account information to reflect current research and our own findings from the last decade+ of field time across the globe, and added loads of information and new photos to each of the sign sections. Also new is a massive kill-site interpretation section, among other things. What was already the world's leading reference guide to wildlife track and sign is now an even more powerful resource. 

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Bird Feathers: A Guide to North American Species

A one of a kind guide to identifying and understanding bird feathers. Richly illustrated and containing nearly 500 color photographs, this field guide to feathers explains how to use feather type and shape as well as color to identify species. Range maps, wing types and feather measurements are given for the 379 species, along with the photos of representative feathers. This is a valuable, information-packed resource for birders, biologists, and nature lovers.

"Bird Feathers is a unique and valuable book, the first to deal with identifying birds by their feathers. . . the well-qualified authors are to be highly commended for this excellent, helpful reference book." CHOICE: Current Reviews For Academic Libraries 


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selected articles from the Bushcraft Journal

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© 2022 Casey McFarland

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